Just the other day, I started a blog. I was excited about it. Really, I was. I was super excited. Then, I got a phone call from work and was asked to take on a majorly huge project. Majorly huge projects plus homeschooling plus three kids plus being a wife plus you-name-it and well, I kinda got overwhelmed:( This blog went on the back, back burner. In the meantime, I searched around on other blogs. You know what? There are some ah-mazing blogs out there!!! My goodness! And then I started feeling like, "What do I have to say that's so important?" Seriously. Then, there it was...that still small voice. It said, "Would it be worth it to you to help just ONE?" Well, when it was put that way(!), I felt overwhelmingly humbled. In that moment, my focus came back and I realized once again...THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME!!! It really IS about living a life out loud for Christ! It's about how HE has worked and is continuing to work in my life and my hope is that God will use it to help any "ONE" that may stumble across this teensy-tiny corner of the blogosphere. I SO can not get caught up in comparing myself to others! I refuse! So, I'm back:) My goal is to be much less "anal" about this whole thing. I'm going to write and publish and write and publish and write and just see where it goes...grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and all. It's actually really refreshing to not be so uptight.