
Stuff Happens

This year, a lot of "stuff" has happened...."stuff" I can't go into right now, but hear me...it has been hard!

Don't ever even remotely start to think that you have God figured out, because just when you do, He seems to like to change things up.

That's why I always say, "The Christian life is just one grand adventure!!" Oh, it so is!

You see, pridefully, before "stuff" started happening this year, I began thinking I had some things figured out in life...not a lot of things...I'm not that naive, but there were some. And then this year happened and well, to be quite honest, I'm just scratching my head at all of it.

But while I stare blankly at this canvas of life before me, you know what? That still small voice keeps whispering truth and encouragement and love.

Quite frankly, that's what keeps me in the game. It's what keeps me hope-filled and even, dare I say it - - strong, despite my confusion.

It's because I know - - I KNOW - - that even though I don't understand it all, I'm resting firmly in the palm of the hand of the One Who does.

And He has said that nothing can separate me from His love. He has confirmed His grip on me through both His Word and His actions.

Even when I fear, there is nothing to fear. Even when I doubt, there is nothing to doubt. Even when I blow it big time, there is a second chance waiting on me.

And the best part is...

There is a purpose behind it all.

God never wastes a trial.

I might live to the edge of death's door and step over into eternity not understanding any of the things that have happened this past year...or in the other years before it, for that matter. But you know what? I don't have to understand.

I just have to rest in the fact that God's got me, and He's not going anywhere. This past year has not confused Him or taken Him by surprise. He has a plan.

And even if "stuff" keeps happening that continues to make me scratch my head and stare blankly at the canvas of life before me, I'll keep trusting...

and growing stronger, despite my confusion.

He's got this!

I know it.

For His glory,