
Mom, Is Your Heart Tired?

Just the other day...I was thinking about the saying "being a mother is like taking your heart out of your chest and watching it walk around". Moms, isn't that the truth?! There are some moments I've experienced as a mother that have literally made my heart physically ache. Want to hear about some of them? Well, kick back, cause here goes...


"God, My Will and Not Yours"

Just the other day...I sat praying, begging even, for God to give me something that I just knew was going to make my life amazing. It was certainly what He wanted me to have ("wink") because of the way little details kept falling into place...so, it just had to be a "of Him", right?!

Ah, how easily we allow ourselves to be tricked when we are blinded by our own desires!

I was praying for something that was out of His will for my life. I was dead set that He would answer my prayer just the way I wanted, though and determined that I would "just pray hard enough". And while God kept nudging me to move on, I kept going back to MY plan like a gazelle so full of thirst, it foolishly drinks out of a pond teeming with crocodiles.

Looking back, I can admire one thing alone, my tenacity to go to God with my request again and again and again. Tenacity in prayer and seeing a 'result' through eyes of faith is a WONDERFUL thing and is something the Bible clearly teaches. But continuing to pray for something when it is against the will of God...that just keeps you stuck. Like, really stuck.

In my pride, I basically said to God, "I trust MY will, and not Your will."


Sounds a lot like the nation of Israel, right?! Stuck in the dessert. Going in circles. Unwilling to trust and surrender.

I stayed there for a while. Stuck. Wandering. Wasting time. Gaining lots of head knowledge, but not applying it to my life. I kept walls up, against God, as I insisted in going my own way.

Yeeeaaars later (that's a long time, people)...I finally got it. I let go. I surrendered. I obeyed. I finally said, "Not my way. Your way. Please God...I'm sick of being stuck".

And can you guess what happened next?

The dam broke. Life flowed...abundantly. His plan and His way engulfed my very small life. Imagine standing in a river at the bottom of a mountain in the middle of a monsoon...you WILL get swept away!

"...but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matt 16:25

"...I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Later on, even years after I surrendered and the "dam broke", my full-of-mercy God graciously showed me why He said no to my prayer. He doesn't always show us why. He doesn't need to show us why. In this case, I certainly didn't ask Him. But sometimes Daddies like to surprise us with gifts...especially the kind that teach us to walk in even greater freedom.

The night He showed me why my prayers went unanswered was powerful, to say the least. Life-changing. I ended up oozing tears as the truth washed over me and set me free and proved to me what I already knew but can stand to learn over and over...


Those years I wasted, thinking He was withholding from me...

He was really just loving me.

Because that's what fathers do.


You can trust the Father.

"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails." Prov 19:21

For His glory,


Passing My Faith Down To My Children

Just the other day…a friend from college called me up, asking for advice with her kids. She said something like, “You seem to be great at passing your faith along to your children, so I wanted to pick your brain a little bit and find out what you do.”  I definitely believe that passing along my faith is the most important job I have, so of course I was happy to share! Later on I thought, “There could possibly be other moms, especially new moms, who need some suggestions. What a great blog idea!” So, here you go. Today I’m sharing all the ways I attempt to pass my faith along.
Now please hear me, I know there are FAR better and wiser moms out there who do a MUCH BETTER job at this than I do, but I can assure you, I try really hard. Also, believe me, I realize that in sharing such suggestions, you could see this as a mandate that I believe this is what you have to be doing. Please don’t do that! Sift and filter through this list, take what you need, leave what you don’t, and above all, live in His grace!!!

At the end, feel free to add other ideas in the comment section. We are all in this journey of faith, seeking to learn and grow. This would be a great place to gain insights from each other!

Without further delay, here’s the list (cause lists & I get along really well):
  • The most important thing I do for my kids is stop when they have a question pertaining to God, church, heaven, the Bible, etc. My kids know how important it is to me simply because I take the time to answer and to help them understand, no matter what time of day or what the situation. I don’t tell them to ask me later, I don’t say “not now”, I don’t say “ask your father”, I don’t say “you’ll understand it someday”…no, 99.9 percent of the time I am answering the question or looking up the answer in the Bible to show them or doing something to help them understand (I've even been known to act out Bible stories). As stated above, I think this is the #1 most important way I pass on my faith to my kids. Why? Because if my child asks the question, it means it's a topic on her heart and therefore, she will be totally engaged, wanting to know the answer (right then, not later).
  • I have read to my children from kid-friendly Bibles or age appropriate devotional books from very early ages. I have known that it’s important to get the Word of God in them and to get it softening their little hearts early.
  • I have sung to my kids, well, since they were in the womb.  Of course, I sing songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “This Little Light of Mine”, but also hymns like “The Old Rugged Cross” or worship songs like “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.” Again, it’s about a repeated message and I believe it prepares little hearts to hear the gospel later on.
  • We pray together all the time. We pray at the start of the day at breakfast. We pray at the start of our home school. We pray during home school for other countries and people groups. We pray, of course, at each meal, whether here at home or out at a restaurant. We stop and pray anytime someone calls us and asks for it. We pray anytime there is sickness in our house. We pray in our car each and every time we leave our driveway to go anywhere (please note: each time we go somewhere, it involves a trip…no store just around the corner here). Lastly, we pray with each child, individually, before they go to sleep at night. Bedtime has become a favorite time for my kids to ask those “deep” questions burning in their minds...it's usually some of the sweetest and most special times!
  • From the time my kids were babies, I have tried to bring God into our conversations.  I have done this most often as we are playing outside. I’ll say something like, “Look at the beautiful day God gave us, girls!” or “Isn’t God so amazing...look at that gorgeous sunset He made!” But more than that, I try (notice I said TRY) to listen for times when God is providing me with a teachable moment. When those moments present themselves, I try to seize them. Actually, I pray for those kind of moments. Life is the best teacher, and this world, the most amazing classroom!
  • This probably goes without saying, but my children attend church regularly. They go to Sunday School, Children's Church, Mission Friends/GA's, and also to AWANA. They are hearing and learning the Word all the time. I believe it's so important for them to hear the Christian message from other people! I'm so very thankful for each and every person who takes the time to pour into their lives!
  • I guard my kids from watching negative things on TV (and yes...there's a lot of it)! Almost every show my kids watch is either educational or inspiring. Also, we have invested in a lot of Christian cartoons/videos (things like Boz the Bear, Gigi: God’s Little Princess, Superbook, Veggie Tales, etc.). My kids take notice when they are watching something with a Christian message, and they get excited about it! I also guard the kind of music my kids listen to. My car radio is always set to either a Christian station or to classical music, and at home we love to listen to Pandora (setting up our own "stations" that play our favorite Christian artists).

And that leads me to my last point…

If you possibly read the post I wrote about my dad last Father’s Day, you might remember that in my childhood home, my parents were wonderful guardians of the faith. They created such an atmosphere of honor for the Lord, when I got “out into the world”, the differences slapped me in the face. Without question, I knew the choices I wanted to make and you know what, I want the same "revelation" to happen to my children one day! Don't you want that for yours?!

Peace and blessings abound in an atmosphere that honors the Lord!

Let me leave you with a quick question:

If Jesus Himself were to physically walk into your home, would He be honored by the way you are raising your children to know Him?

If that answer is YES, I applaud you and say keep up the great work! If that answer is NO, I want you to know that it is never too late to start honoring Him...your children will rise to the task of centering your lives on the Lord, if you do. Parent, they will follow your lead!

"Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates."

For His glory,


The Pastor's Wife

Just the other day...I ran across this poem (below). As a pastor's wife, I could certainly identify with it. While it is an amazing privilege and an honor to get to be "the pastor's wife"...to be honest, sometimes it is the most complex and confusing of all titles. I could never expect anyone who is not a pastor's wife to understand. However, please know that many of us struggle greatly. We are not perfect, but we feel the many expectations on us to be perfect...and for many pastor's wives, that can lead to great discouragement.

I recently talked to a local ministry leader who has tried to reach out to pastor's wives in the past. She said the number one topic that needs to be addressed with minister's wives is depression. As I have experienced more than once, it is often a very, very lonely place "at the top" and the enemy can use that lonely place to his advantage. So, my prayer is that in sharing this, I can help, in some way, to open your eyes to the experience of the common pastor's wife. Please know that your pastor's wife needs your encouragement, your constant prayers, and your unconditional love. Ask her to be perfect and she will fail you every time, but allow her to be herself, give her much grace, and you'll find much treasure hidden inside.

The Pastor's Wife 

She serves in a position she had not sought for in her life
She simply fell in love with a man called into ministry,
You may know her; she’s the pastor’s wife.

She accepted her role to live for Jesus and share the Gospel light.
She just wanted to make God and her husband proud,
Just happy to be the pastor’s wife.

She started on her journey, her expectations soaring high.
She gave her heart and soul to the task,
For she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was expected to be a certain kind of woman adjusting to church life.
She was not there to receive, but to serve;
After all, she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was to be seen as a Godly lady free from bitterness and strife.
She was to always have a gentle and sweet countenance,
Because she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was to be a gracious hostess anytime someone dropped by,
No matter the day of the week or how late into the night -
For she's the pastor’s wife.

She was to be the perfect mom and her children were to always play nice.
She was never to raise her voice but discipline them perfectly,
Because she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was not to have any personal struggles or down times in life.
She was to always be on top of the world,
For she is the pastor’s wife.

But, she has been down and lonely, more times than we realize.
For she is a woman first of all,
And then she’s the pastor’s wife

She has struggled on a pastor’s salary just trying to survive,
While she watched others enjoy trips and luxury holidays-
Not common for a pastor’s wife

She has been humbled, and very grateful, many times throughout her life
For the grace God gave and the prayers that have been prayed
To encourage this pastor’s wife.

She longed for just one true friend, her battles to help her fight-
Only to later be burned by people who turned their backs on
the pastor’s wife.

She yearned for her own identity, and Christian friends to share her plight.
She wanted to be known for who she is,
Not just as the pastor’s wife.

She longed for simple conversations from the many in her life.
But they often only spoke to her to give a message to him -
For she was known as the pastor’s wife.

She may be hurting and discouraged or in need of hug that’s tight.
She gets tired and down just like everyone else,
So encourage the pastor’s wife.

She’s always there for all of you, so get to know her and treat her right.
Show her interest that’s true for she’s a person too-
This one called the pastor’s wife.

She has too often been neglected by the ones God put in her life.
So, let us find an occasion and show her appreciation
And honor the pastor’s wife.

Loyd C. Taylor

P.s. For those of you thinking, "Oh, my pastor's wife is so wonderful, I don't think there's any way she has experienced pain, depression, isolation, or loneliness."...open your eyes. She shares her struggles with God and her husband, but very rarely with a church member.

P.s.s. To my own church members who may read this, I love you immensely and I'm doing fine...promise. This is not a 'cry for help' on my part, but done out of love for my friends who are PW's.


Notches in My Mothering Badge

Just the other day…I overheard my middle child say to her older sister, “sometimes I wish we didn’t have a mom”. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach right where I was standing. The night before, we had let our older girls watch the beginning of the movie, “Mars Needs Moms”, against our better judgment. My husband had quickly looked at the reviews and had come to the conclusion that it had a positive message. In the end, it does have a good message, but getting to the end is the problem, as the entire movie is pretty scary for little ones. We turned it off about a quarter of the way through. Anyways, the above sentiment quoted by my sweet five year old was a direct result of watching that movie. Note to self: check movie reviews better in the future. Lesson learned.

But, for a moment, let’s get back to that statement…”sometimes I wish we didn’t have a mom”. She said it right after I had taken computer privileges away from her older sister for disobeying. She just turned five years old, people. I get it. Yet, it still stung to hear those words. I may or may not have cried for a whole ten minutes…because, well, she’s just never said anything like that before. Ever. In those moments though, I began to think of my own mom and how many times I didn’t say those exact words, but I certainly felt them.

I remember one time when I was a teenager, I was intent on being particularly bad. I was actually planning my rebellion on the phone with my friend. Little did I know, Mom's intuition the Holy Spirit had gently nudged my mom and she was listening in on my conversation from another phone in the house (something she never did, by the way).  As I voiced what I was going to do, she promptly said, “Oh, no you’re not!” in a very stern voice. I wanted to crawl in a hole. And you can be quite sure that I was “wishing I didn’t have a mother” at that moment!

Can I just say…thank the Lord for a mom who listened to Him?!!!

Do you know how much trouble that woman kept me from all because she walked with the Lord (and still does)?! Oh no, I didn’t like it back then. I slammed many a door in response to her “ruining my fun”! I cried many overdramatic tears. However, you can be sure, I love her for it now. Oh, how I love her!

Needless to say, after recovering from the sting of my five year old’s words, I realized I didn’t need to feel sad. I needed to feel honored. I had just earned a notch in my mothering badge, one of many I hope to collect.

Being a good mom does not mean I need to try to be my child’s best friend so that I can “feel” her love or hear her sing my praises at all times. That makes our relationship about me (selfish) and not about her at all. No, being a good mom means I’m going to take the higher road of loving at all costs, even if that means temporary pain and discomfort for my child. Why? Because I know that the end result will be a well-rounded adult who understands a healthy balance between justice and grace…and a whole lot about what true love is and what it isn’t.

But furthermore, it means I do the main thing first. I stay close to the Lord. I walk with Him. I lean on Him and ask Him to show me how to mother these precious gifts of mine every step of the way. Oh, He knows I’m faaaarrrr from perfect. He sees the times I’ve already messed up. But I have to believe and I have to trust that as I keep Him first, this journey through motherhood is not only going to work out, it’s going to garner some beautiful results in the end.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
For His glory,


It's Human Trafficking Awareness Day

WILL THE SILENCE WAKE YOU? (Repost from 5/2011)

Just last night, the lights went out. The house grew dark and my crusade on a computer screen came to an abrupt end. The silence after the power outage was almost deafening. In our house, we all sleep with "sound machines" on (you know, the ones that sound like a fan running) and because we live next to a highway that's full of trucks by early morning, we keep them pretty loud. Since I was the only one still awake at a late hour, that's the murmur I was typing to...sound machines:) As I sat in a pitch-black-hush, I listened to see what would happen next. Not thirty seconds later, I began hearing a moan from the back room followed by panic. One kid awake. Minutes later, crying from another room. Two kids awake. Footsteps down the hall. Husband awake. Nearly all of us, now in search of light. We all ended up piling in one bed, where we were soon joined by kid number three. We talked and laughed. But when we stopped, we noticed how intensely quiet it was. That's when I said, "The silence woke everyone up!" and as soon as I said it, I knew it was golden.

You see, just the other day, I saw something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It was a documentary film played at the International Film Festival that focused on the sex trafficking industry. It contained raw, heart-wrenching interviews and some hidden-camera footage taken by a very brave woman journalist. The name of the movie is "The Price of Sex" and I encourage you to see it if possible. I will warn you...it is not a Christian film. There are a few images and a few words that really could have been left out, but overall it was tastefully done considering the subject matter. And if you do go see it, you may want to take some tissues!

Even days after viewing the film, I still find myself trying to wrap my brain around the images I saw, the pain that I heard. It seems surreal and unimaginable that at this moment, there are literally MILLIONS of women, children, and even some men who are living evil's perverse nightmare. Truly, it makes me sick to my stomach...and outraged...that any human being can enslave another and think that it is permissible. Our daughters...sisters...mothers...brothers...uncles...aunts...nieces...nephews...friends...all over this world are trapped in rooms that have become literal prison cells of hopelessness, torment, and utter despair. And listen to this, out of the MILLIONS who are living this nightmare, only 1% percent ever manage to escape. ONE PERCENT.

What does this mean? It means simply this, those who are enslaved today have no voice. They are literally used and abused in SILENCE...in closed-off rooms...in dark basements...in filthy brothels all over this world...suffering, thinking no one cares and that they would be better off dead. Thus, it is my prayer that as you read this...

JOLT YOU OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER (much like the story above)

We cannot let this happen on our watch!!! Is this the legacy of our generation? Is this to be a part of what we will leave behind? God forbid.

Please watch the following videos and then scroll down to read about ways that you can begin to pray for SLAVES around the world.

You have a voice. 

Please use it to pray.

  • Pray for a worldwide awakening to this problem. An eyes-wide-open-we-will-not-allow-this-to-happen-on-our-watch kind of awakening!
  • Pray that the victims of human trafficking realize they are not alone and that they find hope in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for those who work in the trafficking industry...that they experience a shocking slap of reality that somehow clearly shows them the evil they are committing. Pray that they can no longer stand to see women, men, and children abused.
  • Pray for the Lord to protect any who are being recruited (lied to/drugged) at this very moment.
  • Pray for governments to enact tougher laws against traffickers and all who help them.
  • Pray for an end to the high level corruption in governments around the world. Pray that they can no longer profit from allowing this crime to be committed.
  • Pray against the lust and greed that fuels the sex-trade industry in the first place.
  • Pray for organizations/non-profit agencies who are working feverishly on all aspects of this problem.
  • Pray for the abolition of slavery in our generation.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to remind YOU to pray for His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

May the silence forever remind you of those who have
no voice.

P.s. You can help fight trafficking by purchasing your own "BECAUSE" bracelet (pictured above) at The A21 Campaign. Click here -->Bracelet ($10)

For His glory,


I Want To Be Like Tim Tebow

Just the other day…I started really paying attention to a kid named Tim Tebow. To be honest, at first, I started paying attention because I heard he was homeschooled. Since I homeschool my kids, I am constantly aware of the “labels” that might be placed on them. And this Tebow kid, well, he seemed to have overcome some of the stereotypical branding of the home educated, so I began to take note. Then, I began to hear about his wonderful mom, his upbringing, and the fact that he had spent part of his childhood in the Philippines…the place where I took my first mission trip. But above all, this kid was a Christian, and a vocal one at that. That last fact is what really, really got my attention.

Lately, it seems the whole world is talking about Tebow…and his throwing arm…and his team…and “tebowing”, but more than anything, the world is talking about Tim Tebow’s character and his relationship with his God, who just happens to be my God!  And can I just say, I think Tim is doing it all right, as far as I can tell.

I love, love, love the fact that he talks about his talent in football being a platform, or a stage if you will, to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ!!! I love that he talks about the people that he has gotten to help as a result of his talent (and that number is growing daily). I love that his focus is not himself, his accomplishments, his stats, and his popularity. His focus is on the Lord and on advancing His kingdom.

Certainly, Tim is human and he must sometimes feel like patting himself on the back. When he lies down at night, I’m sure he’s tempted to focus on himself and all of his accomplishments. But I just praise God that, so far, Tebow has silenced those thoughts and seems to have brought them under the subjection of our Almighty God. Listen, I may be a woman, but can I just be honest…

I want to be like Tim Tebow.

I pray to be able to silence every temptation to take any of God’s glory for myself. In any situation I am in, whether it be on my best day or on a day riddled with inconvenience and pain, I want to be found lifting high the name of my Lord and Savior!!!  I want my life to say to the world, “Look at Him! Look at Jesus! Isn’t He the most wonderful, amazing God?!” Our focus should always be on the Creator and never the creation.

The enemy will constantly tempt us to be partakers with him, to become so enamored with our own “beauty” that we think we deserve a piece of the praise. And I believe it is a slap in the face of God when He gives us talents and we then claim them as our own doing, as if we are, by our very nature, special. No… any talent, or gift, or calling on your life, was given to you by a gracious, loving God and you need to use it for His glory…not for your own…ever.

What this world needs is more very vocal Tim Tebow’s in the Christian faith! Did you know that he simply wrote “John 3:16” on his face for a championship game and that caused 93 million people to google the verse?! Wow! What an influence!

I pray that Tim keeps proclaiming the name of Christ until his last breath, and I pray that he will stay strong in his faith. As Christians, I think we all need to be praying for him. I know there’s a world out there waiting to say, “I told you so…nobody is that good and honest.”  However, I think that every day Tebow stays the course, another kid out there sees a true hero…not on the football field, but in life…and most importantly, in the Christian faith.

Tim Tebow’s mission is to point people to Jesus and to advance His kingdom. Mine is the same. What about you? Is it yours?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Linking up at:
Best Posts of the Week
lowercase letters
Raising Homemakers
Seeds of Faith
Time-Warp Wife

For His glory, 


Will the World End in 2012?

Just the other day…I heard that 2012 is the year that the world is going to end. Have you heard that? It's funny that I keep hearing that because the Bible says that no man knows the day or the hour (Mark 13:32)…not even the Son himself, so I don’t get too wrapped up in anyone saying that the world is going to end on this day or that. But, if you will, let’s just suppose that the world does end sometime during the next year. You know what I say?

Bring it on!!! Let’s get the party started!!!!!

I'd be doing the happy dance all the way up to heaven:)

You see, there is nothing in this present world that fills me up like the Almighty God. Try as I might, nothing here is ever going to satisfy the deepest longings in my heart...no relationship, no hobby, no material thing, no vacation, no drug, no food, no experience. It would all just leave me empty. I was made for Him and therefore, my God is the only one who satisfies the deep aching of my heart. I admit that sometimes, I get weary of the divide between heaven and earth. Don't you??? I want to see my Lord...to stand face-to-face with the my Love. At times, my heart simply longs to be at home…my home there, not here...my TRUE home. 

And you know what, I know He wants me there with Him, too.

But not yet.

You see, there's a reason, many reasons, why I'm left here...why He hasn't come yet. If you’re reading this, you’re still here because you have yet to fulfill His purposes as well! Perhaps you're still here because you don't yet know Him...and He's waiting on you. I pray with all that I am that this will be the year you run to His loving arms and give your life over to Him!!! (Please head on over to the "Just Jesus" tab at the top of this page to explore this topic if you know you are without Christ in your life.)

If the world does end in 2012 (ya know, hypothetically)…there are billions who have not yet given their lives over to the Lord!!!! A quick search of google puts the number of Christians worldwide at 2.1 billion, out of 6.9 billion people alive on the planet. Can you believe that there are still 4.8 BILLION people who know nothing of the amazing and awesome love of Christ?!? That makes my heart ache…but even more so, it makes His heart ache. The darkness that pervades this world is so evident right now...and He is our one HOPE. It is His desire that all people come to Him. I am determined that if He can use this tiny life to somehow help spread His message, then by all means, I’m willing to live with the longing for heaven in my heart for years on end, until He calls me to my real home. Christians, there’s so much work to do!

It is time to quit talking about it and just do it!!!!

 It's time for us to be the light we were created to be!!!!

Matthew 13:44 says…..

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field."

If you have given your life over to Christ, you have found a treasure…the treasure above all treasures!!! But burying it and keeping it to yourself is not the right response. I challenge you this year...

when the Holy Spirit puts words in your mouth...speak them. 

When God prompts you to do something out of love for another..do it.

Quit doubting that you are good enough, or righteous enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, or any of the other thousands of excuses you might come up with. The fact is...you're not enough...but He is!!! And if He lives in you then just by that fact alone you can rest assured that you carry Him with you into any situation you might face this year. He's going to be there for you. You just make sure you show up for Him and by that I mean...LIVE IT. SPEAK IT. SHOUT IT. SHINE IT. DO IT. BE WHO HE MADE YOU TO BE!!!!! Let Him have all of you, even if that means stepping out of your comfort zone.

In this journey of mine, I've considered um, sitting down so-to-speak and being a little less vocal about my passion for the Lord...cause I know there are some out there that must think I'm a little over the top. However, I have recently come to the realization that I don’t think I could shut up if I tried. If I try to shut up I will either burst or rot away…and neither one of those sound very appealing.

So excuse me while I blog on and on and on about JESUS this coming year!  He has captured and captivated this heart of mine and by all means, I am determined to serve out my days in praise of Him…whether those days are spent here on earth in 2012 or in His presence.

I’ll leave you with a song that I’ve been playing a lot in recent days. It speaks a little about what I have shared here.

"Sovereign God" CFNI 37


Linking up at:
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
lowercase letters
Seeds of Faith
Time Warp Wife
Raising Homemakers

For His glory,