I*den*ti*ty -
"the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is"
per the Oxford Dictionaries
The moment you became a Christian...the very moment you said "YES" to Jesus Christ becoming the Lord of your life...you became a new creation!
You had an identity change.
Don't believe me? 2 Cor 5:17 says -
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
The question is...do YOU even know who you have become? Do you understand the bundle of amazing truths and promises that came as part of the package deal when you invited Christ to live on the inside of you? More importantly, does the understanding of "the new you" cause you to live differently?
My guess is that most of us don't fully grasp exactly who we are in Christ and consequently, we live beneath our full birthright as a child of the Most High. So, it is with that premise that I begin this series of posts. Please know that I will be rediscovering and/or learning new truths along with you. I enter this as a pupil myself, crying, "Lord, teach us all! Help us discover our true identity so that we can walk through this world with greater confidence in who You have made us to be!"
My plan is to do very short posts on this topic one or two times a week. Notice, I said that's the plan, but we shall see how it works in reality. Sometimes these fingers fly across the keyboard and before I know it, I have written what looks like a book!
Please plan to journal and take to heart all that you learn through this series. Don't just read it and go on about your business. Write the verses down, meditate on them, and ask the Lord to show you specifically how to apply it to your own life.
If you know someone that you think might want to go on this journey as well, please send them the blog link (www.beckyleemeetze.com). Also, if you want to make sure not to miss a post, the best way to do that is by subscribing through your email account (it is completely free). You can easily sign up below, but please note that you must also go to your email and verify that you signed up - - if you don't complete both steps, you won't receive the emails.
I will put a link to each post on Facebook, but I am quickly learning that those links only go out to about half of my followers each time (due to the way Facebook works things these days).
Well, that's it! I hope you're as excited as I am about what God is going to show all of us through the power of His Holy Spirit and His Word! I'll be back next week with the first post. Have a beautiful weekend!!
First post in series: Truth #1
Linking up at: