Just the other day...I decided to take a little blogging break, only I didn't tell you about it. Sorry. I guess I wasn't quite sure that the decision would actually stick! However, as I spent much more time last week just being quiet and reflective, I realized that a break over the holidays is essential.
I am a spoiled-brat when it comes to Christmas being too busy. If I get to Dec 26th and realize that life has been a blur since Dec 1st...I am not a happy camper, folks!
I just SO want to drink in the waiting, the anticipation, and the celebration of my Savior's birth!!!!!! Don't you?
So please excuse me for a bit while I take some time off to just......be still.
I encourage you to do the same. Find rest during this busy time to focus on Christ...the only reason for the season.
I'll "see" you all next year!
For His glory,